Three tips on how to select original artwork for your home.

Creating a home that feels like an expression of your personality can be tricky. One way of making your environment a unique and enjoyable space to be in is with original artwork. And yes, I realise I am a little biased because I am an artist but hear me out...
Looking at artwork makes you happy. There's proper research to back it up and everything! So here are my top three things for you to consider when choosing some artwork for your lovely home.
Tip #1 Think about the space you want to improve
Think about the size of the space, function and what you already have in there. For example a mahoosive seascape might look a bit weird crammed into a teeny weeny utility, but would look amazing above a bed where you want to feel calm.
Tip #2 Get to know an artist
This is where social media is awesome (yes-you heard me right). Search for local artists. Search for artists specialising in your favourite subjects (ahem... floral artwork anyone???). Follow, like and definitely message. If they are anything like me then they will love a good chat and freely give lots of advice.
''An interior is the natural projection of the soul.'' - Coco Chanel
Tip #3 - Choose something you love
Too obvious?
If you have happy memories of a holiday... choose a landscape from a favourite visit. Favourite photo of your child?-commission a portrait. Have a flower that holds special memories for you? Get in touch with your favourite floral artist (please be me so I can do a lil happy dance).
Have fun making your home a beautiful place to be in!
Owning original artwork is something really special. Paintings are treasured through generations and enhance the space you're in. If you need any help in choosing some floral artwork for your home, have a look at my website and send me a message!